Commentaar Vrouwenpartij: de nadruk die in de coronacrisis wordt gelegd op hygiëne- en schoonmaakmaatregelen blijkt onnodig en overdreven. Het virus wordt niet verspreid door middel van besmette oppervlakten en er is geen bewijs dat er ooit iemand covid-19 heeft gekregen door aanraking van met corona virus besmette oppervlakten.
* There’s really no evidence that anyone has ever gotten Covid-19 by touching a contaminated surface.
* Doing a lot of spraying and misting of chemicals isn’t helpful.
* Schools, businesses and other institutions that want to keep people safe should shift their attention from surfaces to air quality, he said, and invest in improved ventilation and filtration.
* This should be the end of deep cleaning,” Dr. Allen said, noting that the misplaced focus on surfaces has had real costs. “It has led to closed playgrounds, it has led to taking nets off basketball courts, it has led to quarantining books in the library. It has led to entire missed school days for deep cleaning. It has led to not being able to share a pencil. So that’s all that hygiene theater, and it’s a direct result of not properly classifying surface transmission as low risk.